
Setting up a Digital Asset Trading Desk

Waters Wavelength Podcast


Setting up a Digital Asset Trading Desk


Waters Wavelength Podcast

Head of APAC at Talos, Samar Sen, recently joined Wei-Shen Wong and Anthony Malakian on the Waters Wavelength podcast. Here are three key insights presented by Samar from the episode:

Talos simplifies access to setting up a trading desk 

  • “There's a lot of knowledge you need to set up a trading desk before embarking on the journey. What many people don't realize is that you probably can't use your existing tech stack and providers. There are new rails you need to connect to and new LPs you need to onboard. Additionally, will you use self-custody technology, which is unique to the digital asset ecosystem? Talos was created to address the complexity institutions face in connecting to various liquidity providers (LPs) in the digital ecosystem and the lack of access to familiar professional tools."

Building your own technology has its draw backs

  • “If you have the right partner, I believe your tech and feature set will always be up-to-date and future-proof. With SaaS models like those offered by Talos, you get a flexible monthly pricing model to cap your costs as you scale, making it more like renting tech rather than buying it.”

Expanding capabilities: Talos roadmap and recent ccquisitions

  • “We're really excited about the future roadmap of Talos. With the recent acquisition of Cloudwall and Skolem, Talos is delivering the industry’s next generation of portfolio management tools for digital assets and increasing access to DeFi products.On the white label side, many of our customers are requesting derivatives. Currently, we only offer spot trading, but there are also some interesting tools for structured products in development.”

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