
The Market Must Learn and Correct Itself

Samar Sen’s Interview with Hubbis


The Market Must Learn and Correct Itself


Samar Sen’s Interview with Hubbis

Samar Sen, Talos's Head of APAC, recently spoke with Hubbis about the current state of digital assets, the hurdles institutions encounter, and the promising avenues for growth. Here are three key takeaways from Samar’s interview

Understanding the cyclical nature of digital asset markets

Samar emphasized the cyclical nature of digital asset markets, marked by periods of growth, correction, and consolidation. 

“The market must learn and correct itself, flush out the bad actors and consolidate, and then it comes back and emerges stronger and more resilient, as well as more responsible and more regulated.”

How Talos empowers both buy-side and sell-side institutions

Talos's technology bridges the gap between buy-side and sell-side clients in digital assets trading. 

“For buy-side clients, such as hedge funds and asset managers looking to engage with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, objectives vary from generating yield to intraday trading based on market volatility and arbitrage opportunities. On the other hand, Talos’s White Label solution supports a diverse range of sell-side clients, including foreign exchange brokers expanding into cryptocurrency offerings, over-the-counter desks of prominent exchanges and custodians providing trading and custody services, as well as FinTechs.”

Talos’s key priorities for progress

Samar explains how Talos aims to drive significant progress in the digital assets ecosystem, facilitating institutional participation and market growth. Talos focuses on robust products, expanding globally, and engaging with regulators.

“We are fortunate in that we have built some very robust products that are already solving many of our customers’ pain points. The tools we offer help professionalize the digital asset ecosystem and pave the way for more institutional traders to enter.” 

The article highlights Talos's strategic priorities aimed at facilitating institutional participation in what is arguably the greatest financial revolution of the 21st century. Read the full article here

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