
The TRADE News: The TRADE’s Crystal Ball 2021: FinTech, RegTech and Crypto


The TRADE News: The TRADE’s Crystal Ball 2021: FinTech, RegTech and Crypto


Gaze into The TRADE’s crystal ball for insights from FinTech and RegTech providers, as well as participants in the crypto space on their predictions for the year ahead.

“There’s little doubt that institutional investor adoption of digital assets is heading toward a tipping point. 2021 could be a pivotal year for this asset class due to several developments. First, regulatory clarifications of practices around digital assets at the federal level and expansion of prime and other services that support institutional investments.

Then maturation of risk, execution and reporting tools required for professional investors and strong institutional client demand driving the embrace of digital assets by asset managers. Together, these factors will contribute to a more familiar investment environment for institutional investors, drastically driving adoption forward.”

– Anton Katz, CEO, Talos

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