Josh Peschko
VP, Head of Compliance
Audris Siow
Head of BD, EMEA
Andrew Theodosiou
Sales Director, EMEA
Frank Van Zegveld
Head of Sales, EMEA
Silvia Wong
Sales Director, APAC
Roland Jarquio
VP, Growth & Marketing
Alfonse Mandese
VP, Head of Sales & BD
Pamela Lee
Head of Sales, APAC
Samar Sen
SVP, Head of APAC
Ethan Feldman
Co-Founder & CTO
Anton Katz
Co-Founder & CEO

DigiAssets by TradeTech 2024

London, United Kingdom
May 14, 2024
DigiAssets by TradeTech 2024

Event Information


Eet leo congue pharetra. Curabitur sagittis mattis ex, interdum elementum leo. In malesuada eros imperdiet, porttitor tellus porta, tincidunt mi. Praesent eleifend lectus et ipsum tempus faucibus. Sed eget orci in nibh fermentum congue. Cras vestibulum.


When will we be speaking?

Event Team

Anton Katz
CEO, Co-Founder
Frank van Zegveld
Head of Sales, EMEA
Andrew Theodosiou
Sales Director, EMEA
Daniel Packham
VP, Head of Operations - EMEA
Matt Houston
Client Success Director, EMEA

As Talos CEO, Anton Katz is responsible for leading overall operations and driving strategic initiatives. Before co-founding Talos, Anton was Head of Trading Technology for AQR Capital Management, one of the world’s most prominent quantitative investment firms. Before that, he was Director of Software at Broadway Technology, leading trading technology development projects for dozens of leading banks, asset managers, and vendors. His career began at Microsoft. Anton is an Israel Defence Forces veteran and was a member of the Israeli National Shooting Team. He holds a degree in Computer Science from MIT.

Trading technology sales / consultant to buy + sell side market participants who are looking to effectively trade / invest / provide services in digital assets. London based, covering EMEA for Talos - the premier provider of institutional grade trading technology to the digital assets market.

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