
Tokenization Remains a Dominant Theme

Insights from Blockworks' DAS London 2024


Tokenization Remains a Dominant Theme


Insights from Blockworks' DAS London 2024

London recently played host to Blockworks' Digital Assets Summit (DAS), drawing together leading figures from the industry to explore the evolving landscape of finance.

Digital Assets Summit (DAS) London Lobby View

Key insights from the conference include

Market resurgence in fundraising and credit activities: The influx of institutional investors has catalyzed significant growth in the crypto market, with its total capitalization reaching $2.7 trillion. Discussions during panels such as “Lending, Credit Creation and Capital Efficiency in Crypto Markets” shed light on the resurgence of fundraising, lending, and borrowing activities, marking a notable recovery since the fallout from FTX.

Persistent emphasis on tokenization: Amidst the ongoing digital transformation within banking institutions, tokenization remains a dominant theme, as a method for enhancing liquidity and democratizing ownership.

Expansion of institutional diversification strategies: Beyond diversifying assets, institutions are increasingly exploring diversification across custody and execution partners as a means to enhance cost efficiency and mitigate risks. Platforms like Talos offer a consolidated solution, enabling users to engage with multiple partners seamlessly.

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