The Talos Trading Platform

Talos has built the premier end-to-end trading platform and service provider network to simplify access for institutions to digital assets through a single point of entry.

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A Single Gateway to Orchestrate the Digital Assets Trade Lifecycle


Through a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) or a powerful application programming interface (API), clients can access Talos’s advanced trading tools and orchestrate workflows across the entire digital asset trade lifecycle – from pre-trade price discovery to execution and post-trade settlement.

Unlike early trading platforms that were predominantly designed for retail customers, Talos, founded by TradFi-experienced engineers who developed many of the institutional trading systems used for traditional assets, built a sophisticated trading platform and an expansive network of service providers specifically for institutions to trade digital assets.

Key Features

  • Pre-Trade
    • Liquidity aggregation
    • Synthetic markets
  • Trade
    • Advanced algorithms and order types
    • Smart order routing
    • In-flight analytics
  • Post-Trade
    • Transaction cost analysis (TCA)
    • Treasury and positions management
    • Settlement

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Find out how Talos can simplify the way you interact with the digital asset markets.